Q. What am I working on?
I’m between projects. I’ve just finished the fifth in my futuristic romance series about genetically altered people. Called “Romancing the Memory Collector” and have submitted it. I’m going to pick up a more serious short story that I’m converting into a novel. This will not be a romance – but who know romance could sneak in.
Q. How does my work differ from others in its genre?
I write my romances set in the future. This allows me to create unusual characters and gives me the pleasure of watching technology catch up to my imagination. My characters are genetically altered with animal genes, which allow me a huge scope of amazing talents I can endow them with.
Altered at conception with a cocktail of genes they are carried by surrogate mothers who believe they are helping childless couples. The children are reared by the Defence Department in the ‘Nursery’ and if they don’t show any useful talents by the time they are seven they are adopted out. Some of the greatest talents are latent and develop after seven years of age. These are the characters in my romances – escapees from “The Nursery” who live among the public, keeping a low profile, pretending to be normal. I write of their loves and lives. They’re absolutely charming - could be your neighbours!
Q. Why do I write what I do?
I really don’t know. I started off with one story and then took a minor character from each story to create the next. I have a delightful character that has popped up in the latest vella but she is going to have to wait a while before I use her
Q. How does my writing process work?
I will have a germ of an idea. I write it down so that I don’t lose it, then
leave it to ferment in my brain. I need
to have a few basic plot points to hang the story around and once I start writing
other events will occur and side characters always emerge. I’m a cross between a plotter and a
panster! I can’t write without a basic
idea path to follow. I often sort out the beginning of a chapter in my head
before I start. I think the beginning of each chapter is very important to
capture the reader’s attention; almost as important as the last line of a
chapter that gives the ‘hook’ to make the reader turn the page and carry on.
I also write poetry and short fiction
- and I love creating cameo scenes with a twist.On the 28th March you can hope over to catherine Mead's blog and read how she creates her novels and characters. Her blog address is: www.catherinemede.com
Also on the 28th March Love's Bright Star will be a free download from Amazon for the whole day. Take advantage of this opportunity and read the first of my series.