The desire to write is
like an itch in the middle of your back.
Some days you can reach it, have a good scratch (write a couple of
thousand words) and it goes away leaving you feeling calm and satisfied.
Other times no matter
how much you reach up your back (drag the thoughts from your brain), slide up
and down the sharp edge of the doorjamb (pound the pc and shuffle the words
about) you simply can’t stop the itch and satisfy the urge to write.
When the itch won’t go
away the answer is to scratch away until it settles down.
Once upon a time
authors scratched away on pads filling the lined spaces with untidy scribbles,
hoping to get the hieroglyphics transcribed into something readable. Then shock/horror, if their manuscript had been typed and they
wanted to add or delete a passage, this meant the whole chapter had to retyped.
Enter the computer. (An
arpeggio of triumphant notes) How lucky can we be? Yes, voice recognition
programs now exist that will transcribe our verbal mutterings into script, but
it is far more satisfying to type, auto-correct, cut and paste, backspace,
highlight and delete, add a paragraph in the middle of a chapter or delete a
page here and move it to there. Oh! Bliss and joy.
Add to that we have
track changes so we can view another author’s efforts, add comments and leave
the original document intact. What luck.
If you are getting that
itch and it’s making you cross, think about the speed at which we can write
these days. We flick an email across the world and the whole manuscript arrives
at a publisher’s site on a distant shore. No postage costs, no heavy paper parcels
posted into the unknown ,never to be returned with the terse note of rejection.
The only downside to
all this is everyone is now doing it. There is serious competition for the
limited number of spaces that publishers have. People are self-publishing and
this is one of the advantages of democracy. My only plea is please edit your
work and have someone else edit it as well. Let’s keep the standard of content
If you want to satisfy
that writer’s itch do so with the end view of presenting a professional piece
of literature. This extra care will make your manuscript rise to the top of the
‘slush pile’ on your chosen publisher’s desk.
Meanwhile get